Teaching English with Gaba is a flexible way to make the most of your time in Japan.
Gaba appreciates instructors are just as unique as clients. Each chooses to live and work in Japan for different reasons. We encourage instructors to pursue their goals and achieve success. To this end, we offer independence. While most companies hire instructors to work set schedules from a pre-determined location, Gaba’s unique contract allows instructors to choose their schedules and request particular studios.
Gaba instructors are not employees but independent contractors. In essence, each instructor is his or her own business offering a service. This status – gyomu itaku as it is called in Japan – allows Gaba instructors freedom to pursue interests outside teaching, be it the arts, Japanese language, sports, or travel.
Our standard contract is six calendar months in length, plus the number of days remaining in the month the contract is signed. For those applicants seeking visa sponsorship from Gaba, we expect that they will teach with us for two full contract lengths at minimum. Despite this, we encourage our Instructors to stay with us as long as they wish to, whether it be for a year or two, or for the long-term. Contract extension is simple and straightforward, and we find that our Instructors stay with Gaba for ever longer periods of time – as of June 2017 the average length of service of our Instructors is 4 years and 1 month.