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Privacy Policy

GABA CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “Gaba”) is committed to attaining the satisfaction of its customers by providing a service of high quality one-to-one English lessons. The security of personal information maintained by Gaba is a serious responsibility and critical to the success of our business. “個人情報保護方針” is Gaba’s privacy policy and applies to all stakeholders. The following is an English translation of said policy. It is for use as reference only and shall not be of any force or effect with regards to interpretation of the “個人情報保護方針”.

1. Principles of acquisition and usage
Gaba acquires, uses and provides personal information within the limited scope of carrying out its business activities in line with the English conversation school industry.
Gaba, in principle, specifies the purposes of use and the scope of use of personal information in advance. In addition when acquiring personal information, Gaba will communicate to the owner of the information the contact person or office etc., in charge of inquiries regarding personal information and take measures to prevent usage of personal information beyond the scope necessary for the achieving the purposes of use.
Also, Gaba will obtain consent from the owner of the information in advance when Gaba changes the purpose of use initially communicated to the person.
“Special care-required personal information (Sensitive Information)” as stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Act will be handled with special consideration and as per related laws and regulations.

2. Assurance of security and accuracy
Gaba keeps the personal information retained by Gaba accurate and updated and takes preventive measures against leakage, loss, damage, falsification or unauthorized access to the information. If any of these accidents were to occur, Gaba will take appropriate corrective action.

3. Provision to a third party
Gaba will not disclose or provide the personal information retained by Gaba to a third party, except in the cases stipulated by laws and ordinances etc, without the consent of the person.

4. Entrustment of handling of personal information to a business partner
If Gaba has to entrust the personal information retained by Gaba to a business partner, Gaba will select a reliable business partner, impose the obligation to implement security control measures to prevent leakages of the personal information on the partner by concluding a contract with the partner and properly supervising the partner.

5. Disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, inquiry or complaint of personal information
If the owner of the information would like to request that Gaba disclose, correct, add or delete their personal information, they will be able to make the request to the relevant contact person or office. After verifying the identity of the requester, Gaba will respond to the request in a timely and appropriate manner.
Also, Gaba will respond to/meet any inquiries or complaints about handling of personal information.

Points of contact:
[For Instructor Applicants]
Instructor Recruitment & Training Section
Tel: 03-5479-5111

[For Instructors]
Instructor Personnel Section
Tel: 03-5479-5110

6. Personal information of Clients of Junior high school age (15 years old) or younger
Gaba handles the personal information of clients of junior high school age or younger with the consent of their guardians as well as the consent of the clients.

7. In-company management system
Gaba consolidates its in-company management system for personal information protection and uses, controls and protects the personal information properly under the system. Gaba also continually improves this system by conducting regular audits to check how personal information is handled, reviewing the results of the audits and revising the policy and company regulations if necessary.
In addition, Gaba continuously trains and educates all those who are engaged in Gaba’s business activities regarding the protection of personal information.

8. Compliance with laws and ordinances etc.
Gaba observes laws, ordinances, guidelines and other regulations stipulated by the state applicable to Gaba regarding personal information.

Gaba disseminates this policy to all those who are engaged in Gaba’s business and makes this policy available to anyone at any time by posting it on Gaba’s official website and brochures.

Gaba established a privacy policy compliant with the JIS Q 15001, and has been granted the “PrivacyMark” by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC).


Establishment date: January 1, 2005
Last updated date: October 3rd, 2019

Diversity Policy

Gaba is committed to fostering acceptance and respect for all its stakeholders. We are proud of our diverse group of Instructors and we have set up a clear diversity policy to ensure respect and equal opportunity for all at Gaba, including recruitment decisions for those hoping to join Gaba as an Instructor or other role.

Specifically, Gaba’s policy is to work with instructors to ensure fair treatment without regard to race, nationality, sex, religion, age, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, and disability. In doing so we aim to ensure that all instructors, Gaba staff, and clients will continue to benefit from involvement in a learning environment with an extremely diverse group of participants.

This policy applies to all of Gaba’s dealings with instructors. All decisions made by Gaba regarding recruitment, lesson remuneration, belting, certification, and all other matters related to its dealings with instructors will be made without bias. In addition, Gaba expects that all interactions between its staff, instructors, and clients will be fair, non-discriminatory, and consistent with this policy.


Policy Established: June 2016