Permission is required for all non-Japanese nationals wishing to work while in Japan
Determining which visa(s) you qualify for should be high on your list of priorities if Japan is where you would like to live and work. There is a great variety to confuse the uninitiated! The information provided here is an introduction. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website is a useful source for further details. For those living outside Japan, visit your local Japanese consulate or embassy.
Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities / International Services visa
Gaba can offer visa sponsorship under the status of Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities / International Services. Gaba will apply for a visa with a validity period of one year and if sponsored, the instructor is expected to make Gaba their primary source of income for a one year duration. To qualify, the applicant must have a university degree or 3 years of verifiable full-time experience teaching the English language. To allow for both the application and visa sponsorship process, applicants should apply 3 to 5 months prior to their desired commencement date.
Working Holiday visa
Gaba does not accept applications from those wishing to teach under a Working Holiday Visa. Applicants who possess this kind of visa would need to request visa sponsorship from Gaba.
Other visa types
There are a variety of other visa types which allow the holder to engage in work. Many require a separate work permit to teach. Theses work permits generally have restrictions such as a maximum number of hours the holder can work per week. Listed below are some of the most common. Visas that require a work permit are categorized into those that do not require Gaba’s endorsement (i.e. The applicant can request the work permit directly) and those that do (i.e. Gaba provides the necessary documentation to the applicant upon acceptance of a contract offer).
Visa types which do not require a work permit
- Spouse / Child of a Japanese National visa
- Spouse / Child or a Permanent Resident
- Long-term Resident visa
- Permanent Resident visa
Visa types which require a work permit
- College Student visa
- Dependent visa
- Job-Seeking visa
Visa types which require a work permit endorsed by Gaba
- Instructor visa
- Professor visa